As a key player in the trades ecosystem, your success is linked to the vibrancy and growth of the skilled trades industry. Align your brand with Conduit to reach a dedicated audience, showcase your commitment to the trades, and drive growth for both your business and the community we serve.

Shape the Future of the Trades

Annual Sponsorship Levels


Supporter Sponsor

  • Linked Logo displayed on website

  • Regular mentions and thank-you posts on your social media channels

All the perks of previous level and

  • Access to exclusive networking events with other sponsors and members

  • Company’s services & materials listed on Conduit Member Portal


Legacy Sponsor

All the perks of the previous level and

  • Your Company logo gets priority placement at events and on related materials, including printed materials and digital displays.

  • Invitation to attend monthly speaker sessions in addition to other special events.

  • Opportunity to contribute educational content in our community newsletters or expertise within the community during certain learning sessions.

  • Offer to host or co-host certain workshops, showcasing your company’s skills or products to our community.

  • Exclusive rights within your industry category for the duration of the sponsorship.

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Legacy Sponsors

Additional Sponsors

Brian Schwieterman , Principal, ESM Architects, Inc.

“Conduit has been a large part my personal growth including being a tremendous support for the business. Every single event I attend, I leave feeling energized and motivated to make the time to work on scaling and improving areas of the business. No matter what stage of development your business is in, there is always something to learn from the Conduit programs. Most importantly, it is an collaborative environment filled with like minded, supportive business owners willing to share their experiences to guide everyone to the next level."